[Simon Thurgood Images] [Simon Thurgood Images]



A barnacle is a type of arthropod and is hence related to crabs and lobsters. Barnacles are exclusively marine, and tend to live in shallow and tidal waters, typically in erosive settings.Around 1,000 barnacle species are currently known.


This species is widespread around the UK.Its unmistakable because of its overall blue colour, pair of long red antennae and large claws.

[smalleyedrayeggcase1]Egg Casings

Mermaids Purses is a Generic name for the empty egg casing of a variety of Rays, Skates and Sharks.

Other Egg Casing such as Whelk are also washed up on the beach.

[eelgrass2]Sea Weeds and Grasses

Sea Weeds and Grasses around the Beach and that has been washed up.

[keelworm2]Worms and stuff

Scale Worms and other interesting stuff


Crabs are generally covered with a thick exoskeleton, composed primarily of highly mineralized chitin and armed with a single pair of claws.

[beadlet1]Sea Anemones

A typical sea anemone is a single polyp attached to a hard surface by its base, but some species live in soft sediment and a few float near the surface of the water. The polyp has a columnar trunk topped by an oral disc with a ring of tentacles and a central mouth. The tentacles can be retracted inside the body cavity or expanded to catch passing prey. They are armed with cnidocytes (stinging cells). In many species, additional nourishment comes from a symbiotic relationship with single-celled dinoflagellates, zooxanthellae or with green algae, zoochlorellae, that live within the cells. Some species of sea anemone live in association with hermit crabs, small fish or other animals to their mutual benefit.

[cj3]Stuff that floats

This a group that uses the currents and wind to move around the seas

[queen2]Bivalve Sea Shells

These molluscs have two halves or valves to the shell.

[towershell2]Sea Snails

The head bears one or two pairs of sensory tenticals. The rasping radula is used to obtain either animal or vegetable food and can even be used to drill through the shells of other molluscs.


The Starfishes and sea urchins belong to this group.The members of this group are built on a basically circular plan. Their skins a rough, often very spiney and they all live in the sea.

[sscatshark4]Fish-Dead or Alive

Bones, washed up on the beach or swimming in Rock Pools

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