[Simon Thurgood Images] [Simon Thurgood Images]

Gallery - Egg Casings

[smallspottedcatshark1]Small spotted Cat Shark (Scyliorhinus canicula)

Approx length 4cm

[nursehound1]Nursehound Catshark ( Scyliorhinus stellaris)

Next size up from Small spotted Catshark

[smalleyedrayeggcase1]Small-eyed Ray Egg Casing (Raja microocellata)

Approx length 8cm that tapers towards the bottom

[spottedrayeggcase1]Spotted Ray egg case (Raja montagui)

Approx 6cm

[thornbackrayeggcase1]Thornback Ray egg case (Raja clavata)

Approx 7cm in length

[undulateray2]Undulate Ray Egg Casing (Raja undulata)

Approx 8cm, similar shape to spotted ray but larger, no keels

[blonderay1]Blonde Ray (Raja brachyura)

Approx length 12cm

[weggc1]Whelk Egg-case

Whelk Egg-cases resembling a bunch of shrivelled grapes often get washed up in storms.

[dogwhelkegg1]Dog Whelk eggs (Nucella lapillus)

Found on rock

© Simon Thurgood 2024
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