[Simon Thurgood Images] [Simon Thurgood Images]


22 March 2025

The Wheatears have arrived

Went up on a very foggy Dartmoor this morning, even though there wasn't much to see with the mist around Challacombe Farm and the rd there was a couple of very smart Wheatears on the road side.

Looks like the spring is here! (photo to follow)

18 March 2025


Had several trips to Dartmoor (more txt and photo to follow

09 March 2025

Powderham Marsh

Again being a little optimistic I went to Powderham Marsh again to try and find some early Butterflies and saw my 2nd of the year but unfortunately it didn't stop for a photo, that was a Peacock and it looked quite fresh as it fluttered about in front of me before going over the hedge!

Plenty of birds about trying to catch the odd insect in the sun, couple of Bumbles as well.

Also come across a dead Mole, no obvious sign of injury, did wonder if it was pretending to being dead but was still there half an hour later on my return journey.

A few Raptors about with not only a couple of Buzzard but hunting Kestrel and Marsh Harrier.

Didn't see one human so had the place to myself.

04 March 2025

Looking for winged insects

Rather optimistically on this sunny day I went for a walk around Powderham Marsh which normally at this time of year there is something about.

Unfortunately very little to see, probably because there is no food source, apart from a lone Dandelion and a couple of Lesser Celandine nothing.

Did see a couple of Flies, single Hover-fly and a single Red Admiral flying across the field.

Still it was nice to get out in some sun!

25 February 2025

Long-billed Dowitcher

Finally got some time were I wasn't working, the sun was out and the tide was out to go and see the long staying Dowitcher at Turf.

This vagrant from North America seems to favour this freshwater creek that washes into the River Exe by the Turf Pub.

Plenty of humans to watch around it, but also as you can see from the pics it was stood in front of the sun at times and at a distance, great to get out for some fresh air.

While it was great to be out I continue to struggle with my right knee, some pain killers needed and some good support in the way of walking boots helps.

18 February 2025

Powderham to Turf and back

Managed to get a few hours to walk up to Turf, the idea to see the Dowitcher and the White-fronted Goose which both been seen regularly.

Sadly my timing wasn't the best as the tide was in so the mud area close to Turf was covered in water.

The large numbers of Brent and Canada Geese were in their normal places but I and others couldn't find the White fronted, it turned out to be in a field further up.

So while missing out on these two I still saw lots of other stuff.

When I arrived at Powderham Church I expected to be surrounded by Rooks as it must becoming up to breeding season but didn't see one all day, only Corvids seen where Carrion Crows and plenty of Magpies. Plenty of Blackbirds, Robins, Dunnock, Stonechat, Rock Pipit, Wren, Blue and Great Tit, Wood pigeon and a hunting Kestrel.

A few Ducks about with Pintail, Teal, Mallard and Widgeon, Shelduck, Little Egret, Grey Heron and Cormorant.

Waders were plenty with Curlew, Godwit, Grey Plover, Turnstone and Redshank.

A few humans about and good to see some familiar faces but also some arrogant rude ones!

12 February 2025


Like a lot of people I have been struggling with coughs,colds and sore throats so hardly been out trying to keep healthy.

I did do a couple of drives around Dartmoor but very little to see.

The best I saw was a single Crossbill on the side of the road by Soussons, unfortunately the sun was almost right behind so just got a silhouette.

Not many humans about which was not surprising!

20 January 2025

Bowling Green Marsh

Managed to get to BGM for high tide and was a bit of a disappointment, probably because of recent rain it was quite full of water and the close sandbar was under water. All the waders were further away behind some tall grass so difficult to see, was able to see Avocet, Redshank, Greenshank, Curlew Snipe and Godwits.

A few ducks, for me looks down in number, Pintail, Mallard, Gadwall, Shoveler, Teal and Widgeon seen.

Also seen, Mute Swan, Blackbird, Great Tit, Wren, Robin and Carrion Crow.

16 January 2025

L.O.R.P and Aylesbere

This morning was very foggy and took some time to clear, I first went to L.O.R.P in Budliegh and walked the pebble ridge, could hear some birds over the estuary but couldn't see anything. Did see some small birds that turned out to be Rock Pipits and then a white flash which turned out to be a Snow Bunting, last time I visited there was 2 but today I could only find one.

It sat nicely for me while I took some pics, very obliging!

Then off to Aylesbere to find some Dartfords which I did, lots of calls and some birds darting about the bushes and not hanging around for a pic, great to see them though.

Also loads of Wrens and singles of Robin, Stonechat and Dunnock.

15 January 2025

Exminster Marshes

Started early today and arrived at the Marshes at day break, well no sun to see due to the mist and fog, could hear lots and the odd Duck in the scrapes.

I did a circular walk from the carpark to Turf and back via the field and back path.

Along the Canal and apart from a couple of Fishermen very little to see.

Sat myself down at Turf and slowly the mist went leaving views of the estuary with the tide out, a couple of Avocets and Redshanks close by with Curlew, Oystercatcher, Godwits, Greenshanks, Dunlin, 200+ Golden Plovers on the mud banks as well as Shelducks, Brent Geese, Mute Swans, Little Egrets and Cormorants also seen on the Estuary. All the usual Gulls with Mallard and Teal on the River.

Ducks on the Marsh were Widgeon, Teal, Mallard and Shoveler, there could have been more but couldn't see because of the mist.

Plenty of Canada Geese on the fields with Lapwing and Grey Plover being put up by a Marsh Harrier doing a couple of passes.

Great to see a small flock of Bullfinch, 8 in total, biggest number together I've seen in a long time, also Blue, Great and a flock of Long-tailed Tits, Cettis Warbler, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Robin, Wren, Dunnock, Goldfinch, Woodpigeon, Grey Heron, Moorhen, Water Rail, Green Woodpecker, House Sparrow, Starling, Reed Bunting, Magpie, Carrion Crow and Jackdaw all added to a great day out.

Also met some pleasant bunch of humans

© Simon Thurgood 2025
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