Gallery - Rodents
This group comprises about half the worlds living mammals.Dentition highly characteristic-one pair of permanently growing incisors used for gnawing, with enamel confined to the front. No canines, but diastema, where the mouth can be closed off by folds ofskin. Molars usually with complex patterns used in longitudinal or oblique grinding movement.
European Beaver (Castor fiber)
Largest European Rodent.
Bank Vole (Clethrionomys glareolus)
Head and body 85-100mm, tail 40-65mm. Bright chestnut or reddish, yellowish,buff or grey-white. likes scrub, deciduous woodland and hedgerows. Eats a wide range of vegetable matter and some insects.
Water Vole (Arvicola terrestris)
Water Voles favour habitats with lots of thick vegetation.They can both swim and dive very well. In addition, they can close their mouths behind their incisor teeth and are thus able to chew plants while submereged under the water.
Water Vole Signs
Here are some pictures to help identify Water vole Signs.
Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius)
The Dormouse is one of the most distinctive small mammals native to Britian.
Dormouse signs
Here are some images to help you Identify Dormice signs.
Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus)
head and body 60-75mm, tail 50-70mm. A small rodent with thick,soft fur, brown above with yellowish or russet tone, white below. Tail is partly prehensile and used to assist climbing.
Yellow-necked Field Mouse (Apodemus flavicollis)
head and body 90-120mm, tail 90-135mm. Slightly larger and more brightly coloured than the wood mouse. White below and with the yellow chest spot large and usually extended sideways to form collar.
Wood Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus)
As it name suggests, the wood mouse is found in woodland, but also in more open country such as arable fields,gardens,scrub and on sand dunes. The wood mouse often sits up on its haunches. when danger threatens wood mice can cover the ground remarkably quickly with long hops. Each jump may be up to 80cms.
Wood mouse signs
Wood Mouse signs
Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
Also known as, Common and Norway Rat. Usualy brown, introduced to Europe from asia in about 1500,prefers habitats modified by man, eats grain and seeds but will eat almost anything.
Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
The only native tree squirrel in Europe. Colour very variable from red to black. Under threat from the Grey squirrel with a few out-posts in England, Wales and Scotland.
Squirrel Signs
Here is a selection of photos to help identify signs of Squirrels.
Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
Grey squirrels have replaced the native Red Squirrel in much of Britain, probarly by competition for food during the harshest part of winter rather than direct aggression. Red Sqirrels appear to retain the advantage only in stands of pure conifers.
© Simon Thurgood 2025
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