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Gallery - Swans

[swanid3]Swan ID

Here are some pictures of Swan Bills to help with Identification.

[RSPB amber conservation status][More information about Mute Swan][mute15]Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)

The Mute Swan has been classified as a Amber list species-medium conservation concern.

Most mute Swans are resident but north easterly populations migrate south and west during autumn. Pairs nest singly on a nest made of rushes or reeds.

[RSPB amber conservation status][More information about Whooper Swan][whoo8]Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus)

The Whooper Swan is listed as a Amber species-medium conservation concern.

the Whooper Swan breeds in Iceland and northan parts of Europe and migrates south in autumn. Feeds mainly on aquatic plants but also grazes on arable fields in the winter.

[RSPB amber conservation status][More information about Bewick's Swan][wick3]Bewick's Swan (Cygnus columbianus)

The Bewick swan has been classified as a Amber list species-medium conservation concern.

A winter visiter from the flat swampy Artic tundra of Siberia. Grazes on leaves,shoots and roots in flooded meadows but will also be found in arable feilds

[bswan5]Black Swan (Cygnus atratus)

The Black Swan,is a bird of Australia, including Tasmania.They are from 44 to 55 inches with a wing span of 6 feet . The plumage is black, the tips of the wings are white.

The bills are red and white with fine grooves that enable them to feed on underwater plants. Their legs and webbed feet are black. They do not dive for food but are able to reach the plants they feed on with their long necks.

During February through September, the Black Swans begin building their nests. These large birds, who mate for life, often nest in colonies, unlike other swans. The nest is a large affair built of sticks and vegetation. Both birds build the nest.

Birds seen in the wild are escapees from collections.

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