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Gallery - Browns and Coppers

[scotchargus2]Scotch Argus (Erebia aethiops)

In Scotland and Cumbria,Sparsely wooded heathland, moorland, on acidic calcareous soils.

[More information about Brown Argus][brownargus3]Brown Argus (Aricia agestis)

This is a butterfly of open grassland, though rarley above 1000m. The caterpillars are tended by ants and when fully grown will pupate in spring at the base of the food plant.

[nbasal2]Northern Brown Argus Form salmacis (Aricia artaxerxes)

Several populations in Scotland and Northern Britain which is a different form.

[More information about Small copper][smallcopper2]Small copper (Lycaena phlaeas)

Very common butterfly found throughout Europe which prefers sunny meadows and forest clearings up to about 2000m.The caterpillar is green, sometimes with a dark pink stripe down the back and sides. It usually pupates under a leaf of the food plant.

Browns (Satyridae)

This large family, with over 3000 species is most abundant in temperate regions. Over 100 species live in Europe, many of them in the mountains. Most have eye-spots on the wings and the males of many species have a dark patch near the centre of the front wing. This patch, known as a scent brand, consists of scent-emitting scales used during courtship. The caterpillars are usually green or brown,finely hairey and tapered at both ends. They feed almost entirely on grasses. The chrysalids either hang from tail hooks or lie in a loose cocoon on the ground.

[More information about Ringlet][ringlet3]Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus)

This butterfly is common throughout most of Europe, It prefers open woodland,hedgerows and damp meadows up to around 1500m

[More information about Wall Brown][wallbrown4]Wall Brown (Lasiommata maera)

This is a common butterfly in most of Europe,but is absent fromFinland and Northan Scandinavia. It prefers heathland and other grasslands, open woodland and gardens up to around 2000m and likes to bask in the sun. The caterpillar is green with whitish lines along the back and sides. The pupa is usually green but may be marked with black and is attached to a grass stem.

[More information about Meadow Brown][meadowbrown5]Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina)

This variable butterfly is very common throughout Europe. it is found in all grassy places including open woodland and forest edges.

[More information about Small heath][smallheath1]Small heath (Coenonympha pamphilus)

Prefers meadows,heaths and any other kind of rough grassy areas, up to around 2000m.

[largeheath2]Large Heath (Coenonympha tullia)

The Large Heath is one of our true wetland species in a string of isolated colonies that stretch from Wales to the Orkney's.

[More information about Grayling][grayling1]Grayling (Hipparchia semele)

This butterfly prefers heathland, sandhills and open woodland, up to around 2000m.

[More information about Speckled Wood][speckledwood5]Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)

A common butterfly throughout Europe except the far north. It prefers shady woodland up to around 1200m. The caterpillar is green with a darker stripe down the back and paler lines along the sides. The green pupa is attached to a grass stem.

[More information about Marbled White][marwhite6]Marbled White (Melanargia galathea)

Found in the southern England and Wales, it can be found in most flowery grasslands up to around 2000m.

[More information about Gatekeeper][gatekeeper4]Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus)

Also known as the Hedge Brown, this very common butterfly is found throughout central and southern Europe, southern England, Ireland and Wales. It prefers open woodland, hedgerows and grassland below 1000m and is very fond of bramble flowers. The caterpillar is pale brown with a dark stripe down the back and a pale line along the sides. The pale brown pupa is attached to a grass stem.

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