Gallery - Pinnipeds
Marine mammals, in a sub-order of carnivores, with simplified teeth and limbs converted to flippers. Highly adapted for diving.
Atlantic Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)
Unlike Common Seals. Grey Seals tend to prefer rocky coasts and often remain at se for months at a time. Grey Seal populations have been heavily persecuted in the past and their range and numbers are much reduced. The largest European populations are now in the British isles, there are 45000 adults breeding in the Outer Hebrides for example.
Common Seal (Phoca vitulina)
Also called Harbour Seal, likes sandy coasts,estuaries, sheltered rocky coasts and sometimes freshwater near the coast.
Atlantic Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus)
The walrus is one of the largest members of the Pinnipeds, Two distinct subspecies are recognised: Atlantic and Pacific walrus. A potential third sub-species of walrus is found in the Laptev Sea, the Laptev walrus, although genetic evidence has suggested that these walrus are most likely part of the Pacific walrus sub-species.
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