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Gallery - Warblers-(Reed)-Acrocephalus

[RSPB green conservation status][More information about Reed Warbler][reedwarbler6]Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)

A summer visitor to stands of reeds around lakes or along rivers in many parts of Europe.It feeds on insects and spiders. Nests are woven around the stems of plants, especially common reed and usually over water.

[RSPB red conservation status][More information about Marsh Wabler][nopic59]Marsh Wabler (Acrocephalus palustris)

Summer migrant that arrives in western Europe in late May, numbers in Britian have fallen to less than 25 pairs. Requires a dense lush growth of plants. Sites are often, but not always damp or close to water.

[RSPB red conservation status][More information about Aquatic Warbler][aqaw1]Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola)

The Aquatic Warbler is a Red List Species which means a High Risk.

The aquatic warbler is a regular but scarce autumn migrant to certain areas in southern Britain, visiting on its way between breeding grounds in eastern Europe and its winter home in West Africa.

[RSPB green conservation status][More information about Sedge Warbler][sedgewarbler9]Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)

A summer visitor to the UK chjefly to dense vegetation growing near lakes and rivers where it feeds on insects. In Autumn it returns to Africa making a non stop flight accross the Mediterranean and the Sahara.

[RSPB green conservation status][More information about Cettis Warbler][cti1]Cettis Warbler (Cettia cetti)

This south European species has spread north and into the southern part of the UK. It is secretive but has a distinctive song. Feeds on insects and lives in dense bushes in marshes or near rivers.

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