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Gallery - Kinglets

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Here is a great video from the BTO to help with ID about these brilliant small birds

[RSPB green conservation status][More information about Goldcrest][Video clip about Goldcrest][goldcrest9]Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)

The smallest European bird. it breeds in conifer woods, in evergreens in parks and sometimes in deciduous woodland. After nesting, Goldcrests join flocks of small birds and may visit other habitats.

[RSPB amber conservation status][More information about Firecrest][firecrest1]Firecrest (Regulus ignicapillus)

The Firecrest is a Amber list species-Medium conservation concern.

This very small bird has a more southerly distribution than its lookalike the Goldcrest. It nests in conifers or sometimes other trees, often feeding in low dense undergrowth. Feeds on insects.

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