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Gallery - Grebes

Grebes are small to medium-sized water birds, characterised by their pointed bills (long and dagger-like in larger species), round bodies, tiny tails and legs set far back on the body.

The legs are flattened and the toes have broad, leaf-like lobes, so that the forward stroke underwater has minimum drag but the backward stroke can exert maximum pressure for forward movement.

They are expert swimmers and divers but unable to walk on dry land. They build floating nests anchored to aquatic vegetation.

[RSPB green conservation status][More information about Great Creasted Grebe][gcg8]Great Creasted Grebe (Podiceps Cristatus)

Breeds on inland water,but may be seen on the sea in winter and sometimes forms flocks.Dives to find fish and has elaborate courtship display.A floating nest is made of aquatic vegetation attached to water plants.

[RSPB amber conservation status][More information about Black-necked Grebe][Blackneckedgrebe1]Black-necked Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis)

The Black-necked Grebe is a Amber list Species-Medium Conservation Concern.

Likes small lakes with reeds and other vegetation. They dive to feed on small fish, insects and shellfish.They visit larger lakes and coasts in the winter.

[RSPB red conservation status][More information about Red-necked Grebe][redneckedgrebe4]Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena)

Breeds on rather small and shallow lakes with reeds in parts of N and E Europe. Dives to hunt aquatic insects and fish.

[RSPB red conservation status][More information about Slavonian Grebe][slavoniangrebe3]Slavonian Grebe (Podiceps auritus)

The Slavonian Grebe has been classified as a Amber list species-Medium conservation concern.

It breeds in sheltered bays of freshwater lakes but feeds at sea as well. It dives to feed mainly on insects and their larvae in summer and small fish in winter. It nests among plants growing in water, sometimes in small colonies.

[RSPB green conservation status][More information about Little Grebe][LGR1]Little Grebe (Trachbaptus ruficollis)

Small and secretive, the little Grebe breeds on lakes,quiet rivers and small ponds.Sometimes will form flocks in winter.Dives when disturbed and when feeding. Food is insects and small fish.A floating nest of water weed is built among vegetation

[Video clip about Winter Grebes]Winter Grebes

Here is a great ID video for the Grebes in winter plumage. This video was done by the BTO

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