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Gallery - Cranes, Ibises, Storks and Spoonbills

[glossyibis2]Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)

Visitor from Southern Europe

[RSPB amber conservation status][More information about Spoonbill][spbill10]Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia)

The Spoonbill is classed as a Amber list bird-Medium conservation concern.

Coastal marshes and reed beds in river valleys are home for colonies in mainland Europe,most migrate away from colonies after nesting, some come to the UK over the winter.

[whitestork2]White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)

A small number usually less than 20 arrive in Britian each year, It feeds in open wetlands or damp meadows or pastures. Also found beside pools, ditches and slow flowing streams.

[RSPB amber conservation status][More information about Common Crane][ccrane6]Common Crane (Grus grus)

The Crane is on the Amber species list-Medium conservation concern.

The crane is a huge, graceful, mainly grey bird with long legs, a long neck and drooping, curved tail feathers. Small numbers pass through Britain in spring and autumn, and there is a tiny breeding population in eastern England.

Told from Storks andHerons by bushy tail

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