Gallery - Gamebirds
Grouse (Phasianidae)
Gamebirds with short, thick bil, short wings and whirring flight, differing from Pheasants and Partridges especially in their feathered legs and nostrils and having no spurs
![[RSPB red conservation status]](../images/red.gif)
![[More information about Black Grouse]](../images/info.jpg)
![[Video clip about Black Grouse]](../images/camera.jpg)
Black Grouse (Tetrao tetrix)
The mock battles of male "Blackcock" at dawn on their "lecks" is one of the dramas of open northern or upland forests. The grouse feeds on buds, berries and some insects, usually found on the ground, but sometimes in trees.
![[RSPB amber conservation status]](../images/amber.gif)
![[More information about Red Grouse]](../images/info.jpg)
Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus)
These grouse live on tundra, moors and bogs of Northan Europe, feeding on vegetation especially heather, willow and birch. They usually feed on the ground but also in trees. The nest is on the ground.
![[RSPB green conservation status]](../images/green.gif)
![[More information about Ptarmigan]](../images/info.jpg)
![[Video clip about Ptarmigan]](../images/camera.jpg)
Ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus)
This bird of the Artic tundra also lives on the tundra-like tops of mountains further south in Europe. It is a resident, but may be forced to move short distances by severe weather conditions. It feeds on plant materiel.
Look at the great Video clip for more info ;o)
![[RSPB red conservation status]](../images/red.gif)
![[More information about Capercaillie]](../images/info.jpg)
Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)
The giant turkey-like grouse of northan and upland forests is secretive and difficult to observe. Males display together and attract females to traditional "leks" in spring.
Introduced Gamebirds
Due to over shooting of native stocks, especially in central and western Europe, many alien Gamebirds from Asia and North America have been introduced and managed in the region.
![[More information about Pheasant]](../images/info.jpg)
Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
This attractive bird has been introduced from Asia for hunting, it lives in countryside with woods and farms. pheasants eat a wide range of food including grain,worms,spiders and green shoots.
![[More information about Golden Pheasant]](../images/info.jpg)
Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)
This exotic species was introduced to parts of England and Scotland from China more than 100yrs ago. In Britian it is found in a few widely dispersed locations in lowland areas.
Partridges and Quail
Stoutly built, mainly brown, medium sized with rufous tail conspicuous in flight, sexes alike, male larger.
![[More information about Red-legged Partridge]](../images/info.jpg)
Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa)
This Partridge lives in open dry habitats and arable farmland, it has been successfully introduced into Britain. Feeds on seeds, leaves and insects.makes several nests and female uses one.
![[RSPB red conservation status]](../images/red.gif)
![[More information about Grey Partridge]](../images/info.jpg)
Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix)
Open country and arable farms with hedges or other shrubs and bare areas of dry soil for dust bathing are home for this resident game bird. it feeds on plant material and insects, nesting on the ground in dense vegetation.
![[RSPB amber conservation status]](../images/amber.gif)
![[More information about Quail]](../images/info.jpg)
Quail (Coturnix coturnix)
A small, secretive game bird which arrives from Africa in varying numbers each spring. It breeds in open countryside away from trees and hedges, feeding on seeds and insects. its call may be heard at dawn and dusk, but the bird is hard to see.
© Simon Thurgood 2025
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