Gallery - Pigeons and Doves
Pigeon ID
Here is a BTO video to help with ID
Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus)
A successful woodland species, but also farmland,towns and gardens.Eats seeds,leaves and other plant material.Nest is a bunch of flimsey twigs.
Stock Dove (Columba oenas)
Found in parkland, avenues of old trees and copses where it nests in holes in trees or in cliff or rock faces. Likes water nearby where it frequently drinks
Rock Dove (Columba liva)
Rock Doves are residents of rmote sea cliffs and other rocky areas, they are the ancestors of tame and town pigeons. They nest on natural or artificial ledges or cavities.
Feral Pigeon
Has a range of plumages based on blue-grey, black, white and redish cinnamon.
Collard Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)
This species orginated in India and spread dramatically acroos Europe.It feeds on grain,seeds,berries and lays two eggs in a flimsy nest of twigs in a tree or bush.
Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur)
The Turtle Dove is classed as a Red list bird-High Consevation Concern.
This is a small dove that winters in central Africa. Feeds on the ground eating mainly plant material, especially seeds.
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