Gallery - Crows
Jays and Magpies
Two very distinct birds, more colourful than other Corvides.
![[RSPB green conservation status]](../images/green.gif)
![[More information about Jay]](../images/info.jpg)
Jay (garrulus glandarius)
A noisy but shy woodland species. Usually associated with deciduous woodland. Eats insects,seeds especially acorns, eggs and young birds. Nests in a fork of a tree.
![[RSPB green conservation status]](../images/green.gif)
![[More information about Magpie]](../images/info.jpg)
Magpie (pica pica)
The Magpie likes the open countryside with trees, farmland with hedges, woodland fringes, scrub and increasingly parks and gardens. Eats a wide range of food including insects,seeds,berries and carrion as well as small birds and eggs. Builds a domed nest of sticks in a tree or tall bush.
Black Crows
All mostly black with some grey, go to the video link to see a brilliant Video from the BTO on ID
![[RSPB green conservation status]](../images/green.gif)
![[More information about Jackdaw]](../images/info.jpg)
Jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
Small black crow, colonial,living on farmland with livestock,on cliffs,in woodland and in built up areas. Eats a variety of food, including invertibrates,fruits,grain and eggs. nests in holes in trees,cliffs and buildings.
![[RSPB green conservation status]](../images/green.gif)
![[More information about Carrion Crow]](../images/info.jpg)
Carrion Crow (Corvus corone)
Carrion Crows are less gregarious than Rooks, but flocks and communal roosts do occur.The Carrion Crow eats invertebrates,grain,small animals and carrion. The nest of sticks is built in a tree.
![[RSPB green conservation status]](../images/green.gif)
![[More information about Hooded Crow]](../images/info.jpg)
Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix)
All Carrion Crows live in Asia and parts of Western Europe, in between there are grey and black crows called Hooded crows. Where the races meet they often interbreed.
![[RSPB green conservation status]](../images/green.gif)
![[More information about Chough]](../images/info.jpg)
Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)
The Chough has been classified as a Green list species-Medium conservation concern.
A red billed crow of rocky sea-coasts around the UK. It feeds on the ground in pastures and short grass on cliff tops where it probes for invertebrates.
![[RSPB green conservation status]](../images/green.gif)
![[More information about Rook]](../images/info.jpg)
Rook (Corvus frugilegus)
Rooks build nests in colonies often called Rookeries which will hold tens, sometimes hundreds of nests which are normally built in the brances of tall trees. Rooks feed on invertibrates,grain and carrion.
![[RSPB green conservation status]](../images/green.gif)
![[More information about Raven]](../images/info.jpg)
Raven (Corvus corax)
The largest crow lives in many habitats, seacliffs, mountain crags, upland moors and forest edges. it sometimes kills animals and also eats carrion.
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