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Gallery - Warblers: Syviidae

Sylvia Warblers (Sylvia)

Males usually brighter than females. Most have two characteristic notes. Mainly in scrub, low bushes and woodland.

[RSPB green conservation status][More information about Garden Warbler][gardenwarbler2]Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin)

Woodland edge, where undergrowth is thickest, is the summer home of this very plain, rather retiring warbler with a lovely song. It feeds on insects in summer and fruits at other times. It winters in central and southern Africa.

[RSPB amber conservation status][More information about Dartford Warbler][dartfordwarbler9]Dartford Warbler (Sylvia undata)

The Dartford Wabler has been classified as a Amber list species-medium conservation concern.

Small long-tailed warbler on lowland heaths with heather and gorse, but also in low bushes or open pine woods. Eats insects and spiders.Cup shaped nest is built in low vegetation.

[RSPB green conservation status][More information about Whitethroat][whitethroat3]Whitethroat (Sylvia communis)

A summer visitor to low, dense cover such as hedges or young plantations with patches of bramble or rose. It feeds mainly on insects. Builds a cup shaped nest in low bushes.

[RSPB green conservation status][More information about Lesser Whitethroat][lesserwhitethroat1]Lesser Whitethroat (Sylvia curruca)

A rather unobtrusive warbler which sings only for a short season. It nests in hedges, bushes and small woodlands with dense cover. It winters mainly in North Eastern Africa.

[RSPB green conservation status][More information about Blackcap][blackcap01]Blackcap (sylvia atricapilla)

This warbler eats insects and fruits but will also visit gardens and bird tables. Black caps nest low down in dense vegitation.

[subalpinewarbler1]Subalpine Warbler (Sylvia cantillans)

Very rare migrant/vagrant from Iberia, South France and Italy.

[barredwarbler4]Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria)

Under 300 individuals are seen each year. Nearly all are first-winter birds observed between mid-August and early November. As a passage migrant in Britian this species is usually found in dense bushes and shrubs in coastal areas.

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