[Simon Thurgood Images] [Simon Thurgood Images]


21 September 2024

Around the Rock pools

With the full moon bringing very high and low tides and the sun out on my day off it was time to get down the beach at Dawlish Warren, the best bit is between the amusements and Langstone Rock.

The beach was full of shells especially caught up in the seaweed, found some live cockles and scallops which I threw back in.

I found plenty of Crabs and parts of, Edible, Marsked, Velvet Swimming and Shore Crabs.

Four species of Anemones, Strawberry, Bedlet, Greysnakes and several Parsitic on their hosts on the beach.

Great session, especially in the sun!

13 September 2024

Grounded Manx

You dont see this every day, on the way back from the pub I found a grounded Manx sat on the road between some buildings, before it got run over I picked it up and took it to the beach at Dawlish and it flew off into the darkness.Great way to end the day!

10 September 2024


Its been a pretty poor season for me on the Butterfly front with the very poor weather, ive had a change of job and everytime I get time off its rained. With only 40 species seen its been a poor year if not my worst!

So that makes 40 species + (2 Large Frits) so far- Green Hairstreak, Grizzled Skipper, Dingy Skipper, Small Skipper, Large Skipper, Lulworth Skipper, Brimstone, Orange Tip, Green-veined White, Marbled White, Small White, Large White, Wood White, Duke of Burgandy, Pearl B Frit, Small PB Frit, Glanville Frit, Marsh Frit, Silver-washed Frit, Speckled Wood, Adonis Blue, Common Blue, Holly Blue, Large Blue, Silver-studded Blue, Small Blue, Small Heath, Meadow Brown, Wall Brown, Gatekeeper, Brown Argos, Small Copper, Painted Lady, Peacock, Small Tort, Ringlet, Red Admiral, White Admiral, Comma.

Lets hope for better next year!

© Simon Thurgood 2025
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