[Simon Thurgood Images] [Simon Thurgood Images]


25 August 2024


Spent this last couple of weeks on Dartmoor, lots of changes with everything moving to Autumn mode even in August.Probably the biggest move is the amount of Rowen Berries amongst others, some leaves starting to fall and already a bit colder although that is everywhere.

Very little if any bird song, some summer migrants still about the most notiable is the House Martins and Swallows, this year is the first year I havnt seen any Swifts on the moor but others have told me they have seen the odd one.

Noticed that some species such as Chaffinch are starting to flock together and there seems to have been a good breeding season for the Stonechat.

Looking forward to the Autumn proper and getting out more, my new job doesnt have the best rota for doing the things I love but cant have it all as they say!

06 August 2024

Out and About

Not been on here for a while due to my computer going down, all sorted now and hopefully no more problems.

Spent some time on Exminster Marshes this last week, didnt see the Purle Heron but did see the Garganey, although at a distance, Wood and Green Sandpiper, and some Ringed Plover, others did say they were Little Ringed plover but not convinced.

Snipe as well as a few ducks but otherwise very quiet, no bird song, looks like all the summer migrants have gone, plenty of Swallows and House Martins over head.

The estuary by Turf was clear of birds apart from some Black-headed Gulls.

The only Raptor seen was a Kestrel which was a suprise.

On my way home through the back lanes over 100 Swifts hawking over a crop of Field Beans which was great to see.

Also to add to the list of Butterflies Gatekeeper. It continues to be a very poor year for them and the weather hasnt helped.

So that makes 40 species + (2 Large Frits) so far- Green Hairstreak, Grizzled Skipper, Dingy Skipper, Small Skipper, Large Skipper, Lulworth Skipper, Brimstone, Orange Tip, Green-veined White, Marbled White, Small White, Large White, Wood White, Duke of Burgandy, Pearl B Frit, Small PB Frit, Glanville Frit, Marsh Frit, Silver-washed Frit, Speckled Wood, Adonis Blue, Common Blue, Holly Blue, Large Blue, Silver-studded Blue, Small Blue, Small Heath, Meadow Brown, Wall Brown, Gatekeeper, Brown Argos, Small Copper, Painted Lady, Peacock, Small Tort, Ringlet, Red Admiral, White Admiral, Comma.

Lots of humans about enjoying the sunny break in the weather.

© Simon Thurgood 2024
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