[Simon Thurgood Images] [Simon Thurgood Images]


31 August 2023


After a hard days graft its nice to get a message to say a Nightjar is just waiting to be photograhed by you!

Message from Phil that a Nightjar was sat on a fence and so off I went and there it was!

Lucky I was able to take the pic from distance as I didnt want to flush it, with the bad weather bet it didnt eat much last night and its got a long journey to go. Thankfully still there when I left!

25 August 2023

Seaton Marshes

Went over to Sidmouth Wetlands today, which while driving I thought it was a mistake due to all the Bank Holiday Traffic, Breakdowns, Roads Works and Diversions, but when I arrived although it was busy, especially with noisy kids I had a good time with plenty to see.

I ended up just spending time doing Bird watching as the pools with Dragonflies had plenty of happy kids doing Pond Dipping which was great to see.

From the main hides plenty to see with Curlew, Godwits, Avocet, Ruff, Dunlin, Redshank, Greenshank, Common Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Moorhen, Mute Swan, Canada Geese, Shelduck, Teal, Mallard, Black-headed, Herring, Great and Lesser-lack Backed Gulls, Grey Heron and Little Egret.

The Sand Martins still about, Kestrel, Carrion Crows, Woodpigeon, House Sparrows, Swallows, Reed Warbler, Blue Tit and Chaffinch all seen.

Lots of humans about, got to be Bank Holiday!

17 August 2023

Silver-spotted Skipper

I went to a windswept Fontwell Down in Dorset today and was expecting a difficult job of finding any Skippers but luckly found 4 Males, all in sheltered positions.

There was other Butterflies on show but all were looking a little battered and worn.

Always a good spot for wild flowers here but being blown about quite a bit in the wind.

Some nice humans around, some I had met before on the Butterfly merry go round!

08 August 2023

Isles of Scilly

On the islands for the next week which I have been looking forward to for sometime, especially as this last week has shown good numbers of Birds especially Shearwaters and Mammals such as Dolphins, Blue Fin Tuna and Minke Whales.

Also hoping to spend time exploring the shoreline and rock Pools of St Marys to see what I can find.

I came over on the Scillonian 111 which wasn't that full, although every other passenger seems to have a dog? It also continues to amuse me to see day trippers sat upstairs in tee-shirts and shorts, after half an hour they all come inside.

Through the portholes the sea wasn't that rough but it looked grey and cold, plenty of Gannets and Manx Shearwaters about.

Staying as normal in self catering and as normal the standard is excellent. After settling myself in and getting supplies for the week I went off for my first trip of the week.

5-10pm trip on with Joe Pender on the Sapphire which is a mixed Bird Watching/Fishing trip with about 15 on board. As we left the harbour bread was being thrown out the back and we quickly got a following of Gulls, both Adult and various degrees of juveniles. Herring, Lesser and Greater-black Backed Gulls and a Juv Yellow Legged Gull which I picked up but was dismissed by another paying guest but was confirmed by the more professionals on the boat which did make me chuckle.

A few Gannets and Shags also following the boat and before long the Shearwaters started to arrive, even before we had left the Western Isles. The sea state was for me rough and didn't have my sea legs so missed a few pictures which was a bit frustrating, Cory's, Great, Sooty and Manx Shearwaters all night also Fulmar, singles of Puffin and Artic Tern. Steady stream of Storm Petrels with 10+ Wilsons on the slick. We stopped about two and half miles South West of the Bishop Rock so the fishing could begin, they also put out some chum which consisted of Salmon Oil and Meal Worms which certainly brought the Petrels in.

Someone else on the boat managed to get a picture of a "Scopolis" among the 134 Cory's, not sure I could tell the difference so luckily he had it in frame! The numbers for Great was 57 and 12 Sooty, so a good night, hope the rest of the week goes the same way.

The fishing did well with Pollock and Mackerel being caught, they also brought in a Blue Shark which was Tagged and released, it was 6ft 7inches and good to see it quickly released after being measured and tagged. There was a few passes of Dolphin which is always great to see, also Compass Jellyfish and Sunfish seen in the water.

We left about 8.30pm as the mist was rolling in and as we travelled back we was followed by Gulls, Shearwaters and Petrels. Arrived back in the dark to a first successful trip.

Today Wednesday went for a walk and Beachcomb, started at Porthmellon beach and walked north to Bar Point before returning home via the centre of the island and Telegraph. Most of the Beaches facing west were covered in Sea Weed such as Furbelows and Bootlace weed to add to the Bladder Wrack which was attached to the rocks which must have come from the recent storms, good selection of Shells with Limpet being the most prevalent but plenty of Top Shells and periwinkles, Crab remains from shore, Edible and Spider Crab, several Compass Jelly Fish.

On the joining footpaths plenty of Butterflies with plenty of White sp, Holly and Common Blue, Speckled Wood, Red Admiral, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper. Plenty of Wild Flowers with Bees and a few Hoverflies enjoying the Heather.

Small flock of noisy Oystercatchers on the Rocks with all the usual Gulls and Shags. Swallows, Blackbirds, Wren, House Sparrows, Starling, Woodpigeon, Collard Doves, Goldfinches on the Thistles and a fly over Grey Heron.

Quite a few Humans seen on my travels and all seem friendly enough and I enjoyed a lovely Cream Tea at "Juliet's" so a good day all round!

Thursday morning and the Islands are covered in mist, it came in quickly yesterday evening, apparently all the flights are cancelled in and out of the island, its quite thick, enough for the Fog Horns to be heard, but the sun is trying to break through. From about 2pm it started to clear.

I had made my way to Old Town bay, had a look around the Church and Cemetery which is full of history and worth a visit if you have time. After a bite to eat at the café by the beach, I spent a very enjoyable time on the beach.

Jellyfish everywhere, counted at least 3 different species and tried to get some pictures while trying not to get stung, while in the water they seem to be heading towards me, they looked stunning in the water but rather sad when they got stranded.

Looks like Moon top left, Compass top right and Blue Jellyfish bottom left.

I joined the 5-10pm trip out on the Sapphire, which was a mixed Birdwatching/Fishing trip. We travelled north past St Martins and stopped over a reef for the fishing to take place which was quite successful with Pollock, Mackeral, Wrasse, Pouting, Ling, Gurnid and a 5ft 11 inches Blue Shark which was tagged and released.

Also several sightings of Dolphins around the boat but sadly difficult to get a pic in the waves.

Good selection of Birds but not as many as Tuesday, on the way out all the usual Gulls, Sandwich Terns and large numbers of Shags on the rocks and in a huge raft which I have never seen before. Manx, Great, Cory and Sooty Shearwaters all seen, both European and Wilson Storm Petrels, Fulmar, Gannets and a surprise flyby Knott.

The conditions weren't the best, although fairly calm compared with Tuesday, at times the mist came in surrounding the boat with half a mile view and then clearing giving good views.

Went for a walk this morning to Old Town bay then along path to Lower Moors, Rosehill Nature garden, Holy Vale Nature Trail, Higher Moors and Porth Hellick Nature trail, Porth Hellick Beach and back to Old Town Bay via Church Point.

I checked out all the hides and not a lot to see, Moorhen, Mallard, Grey Heron and lots of Swallows. While walking along the road a Peregrine passed overhead with what looked like a small wader in its talons, Raven, House Sparrows everywhere, Robin, Blackbirds feasting on Blackberries and Starlings.

Excellent selection of Wild Flowers all along the walk. A few Butterflies seen, mostly White sp but also Common Blue, Speckled Wood and Meadow Brown. Lots of Fish in front of the hides and on the beach with plenty of fry in the pools on the beach, as well on the beach plenty of stranded Compass and Blue Jellyfish, also my first Rock Pipit of the Week.

On the coastal path saw a few Wheatears, Herring and Lesser-black Backed Gulls, heard Oystercatchers on the rocks but couldn't see them and fly over of 6 Whimbrel which I wasn't expecting. Lots of happy humans about, all enjoying the sunny weather!

Friday evening and I joined the first Pelagic boat trip of the weekend on the Sapphire. There is about 40 people on board if you count the crew, some of the punters where old faces I had met on these trips before and some new to the Scillies, but all seem to have a good knowledge of what we were looking for. We left at 5pm and headed south for about 8 miles and drifted for a couple of hours. The sea state was defiantly rough with some people having problems being on their feet but at least the visibility was good.

All the usual Gulls, adults and juveniles of various ages, Gannets and Shags on the way out. Later on in the journey out we were joined by Manx, Great, Sooty and Cory's including at least 1 Scopolis which was captured on camera. While at drift Shearwaters continued to pass the boat as well as Fulmars. Good amount of Chum put out but not many Storm Petrels and only 2 Wilsons seen tonight.

Several views of Dolphins around the boat and a Sunfish seen.

9am start for a all day Pelagic on the Sapphire, we went south for about 6 miles and drifted for 3-4 hours. There was some Atlantic swell and I thought it was calmer than yesterday, it did rain a couple of times but other than that quite pleasant.

As normal followed out by Gulls, Shag, Fulmar and Gannets, as we got out further several "feeds" were going on and we saw more during the trip. Apart from Gulls, Gannets and Shearwaters there was Dolphins and some huge Tuna, but all over very quickly.

We saw Manx, Great, Sooty and Cory Shearwaters in good numbers and coming very close to the boat, also a few rafts of Shearwaters.

A Bonxie flew around the boat before disappearing, good numbers of European Storm Petrels and 5+ Wilson Petrels in the slick made by the chum that was put in. The odd sighting of the day was 3 Swallows heading South and who could blame them with this weather!

Also seen Sunfish and Grey Seal on the way home to add to a very good day!

Today we started at 8am so that we could be back for anyone going home on the Scillonian, we went East towards the Seven Stones and drifted for about 3-4 hours. There was some heavy showers/rain and the sea state for me was big swell and several of us had difficulty standing on our feet.

Plenty for us to see through with all the usual Gulls, Gannets, Fulmar, Shag, 400+ Cory, 35 Great and Manx Shearwaters, 100+ Storm Petrels, 6 Wilson Petrels with the extras being 7 Grey Phalaropes, Great and Artic Skua and a Sabines Gull which followed the boat for a while on our way home. The Petrels gave some great views only feet from the boat dancing on the waves in the slick caused by the chum. With everybody trying to get a picture of the Wilsons it was a bit chaotic at times , but I hope everybody got a picture or two!

As normal Dolphins around the boat with grey Seal on our way home past the outer islands with Oystercatchers in good numbers sat on the rocks and noisy Sandwich Terns over the Harbour, another good trip in the bag!

After a rough night, plenty of wind and rain I went to Porthcressa Beach at low tide expecting to see some interesting things washed up but nothing found.

Probably because its a sheltered south facing beach. Did find plenty of Compass and Blue Jellyfish stranded on the beach and all the usual Shells and Seaweed. In the pools found some Bedlet and Snakelocks Anemone, plenty of Fish fry and Crab, mainly small but one larger Shore Crab that took a liking to my Camera. A few Oystercatchers and some noisy Sandwich Terns on view.

Well the last trip out for this holiday and we went South West towards Poll Bank, on the way out there was plenty of Shearwater activity with Cory, Great, Manx and Sooty around the boat as well as all the Gulls, Fulmar and a visiting Bonxie. Also a few feeds going on with Dolphins and Blue Fin Tuna, the Dolphins made several visits to the boat which was great to see, we have been privileged to have these beautiful animals visit the boat each time we went out, just brilliant!

Then on the way back we went past the Bishop Light House, there was a bit of joking that the Red-footed Booby from last week was there, but to every ones surprise it was! Right on the top of the Lighthouse pruning itself. My camera and lens isn't as good as Joes but managed to get some shots, what a great way to end the week, sadly home tomorrow, better start saving for next year!

Its been a special week with so much wildlife seen and met some great humans as well, the Booby was great but seeing all the Shearwaters was the best thing for me, just magical, could watch them all day!


( more text and pics to follow )

© Simon Thurgood 2025
Images on this website may not be put as any part of any collection without any prior written permission.