[Simon Thurgood Images] [Simon Thurgood Images]


28 April 2015

Evening walk around Exminster Marshes

The joy of lighter evenings mean I can go for a walk after work!

I went to Exminster Marshes and parked up in the RSPB car park. The birds were singing in the late evening sun and it was just luvely!!!

Blackbirds, Robin, Dunnock, Reed Bunting, Woodpigeon, Carrion Crow, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Sedge Warblers, Reed Warblers, Cettis Warblers, Wren, Lapwing, Little Egret, Canada Geese, Mute Swans all heard or seen along the back path. Several Swallows flying low over the fields hunting for flies and a Peregrine sat in one of the pylons then dived off towards the River Exe was a fine sight!!

At the Turf there was a few birds about with Mallard, Shelduck, Carrion Crow, Curlew, Herring Gull on the mud flats which is normal but with 14 Whimbrel and 4 Common Sandpipers made it a bit more interesting.

Along the road back to the car things got a lot quieter as the sun went down, but still saw plenty of Goldfinches, Woodpigeons, Dunnock Greenfinch, Swallows, Herring Gulls, Cettis Warbler, Coot, Moorhen, plenty of Mallards and a pair of Gadwall finished off the walk. Home for a pint brill!!!

26 April 2015


Managed to get out today, spent most of yesterday trying to sort out issues with website. Sorry if you couldn't log on yesterday, it wasn't my fault for a change!

I went up to Soussons Wood and did a circle walk via Challacombe Farm and the Headland Warren.

When I left Dawlish the weather was clear but when I got to Soussons it was misty, damp and cold!!

When I parked up and got out I could hear a Cuckoo, but had no idea where it was. I walked off down the road and thankfully lots of birds singing with some coming to the side of the road, one very smart male Siskin sat nice and close but as soon as I got my camera out it flew off! Typical!!

Along the road to Challacombe I saw or heard Chaffinch, Buzzard, Woodpigeon, Stonechat, Coal Tit, Blackbird, Wren, Linnet, Robin, Tree Pipits, Blackcap, Great Tit and several Swallows flying quite low over the fields hunting for flies.

At Challacombe I was hoping to see some Redstarts and possible Spotted Flycatchers but sadly they have not arrived yet. But did see Chiffchaff, Song Thrush, Wren, Robin, Blue Tit, Long-tailed Tits, Willow Warbler, Woodpigeon, Carrion Crows, House Sparrows, Dunnock and Chaffinch. Also heard but didn't see a Cuckoo which was calling from across the road.

Out on the Moor it was quite windy but still a few birds around with quite a few Stonechats, several Wheatears, Meadow Pipits, Blackbird, Chaffinches, Skylarks, Carrion Crows and some Herring Gulls flying over. Another Cuckoo calling from up by the Warren but again not seen due to the mist. Best though was Whinchats! 3xM and 1 F! They must have wished they were back in Africa instead of a cold, wet and misty Dartmoor!!!

Walking back to the car I went through part of Soussons and then onto the Bridal Path that takes you past Soussons Farm. Saw several Great, Blue and Coal Tits, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Robin, Chiffchaff, Buzzards, Ravens, Swallows around the farm, Linnets, Stonechats and a couple of displaying Tree Pipits always to far away for a picture.

Only a few humans around due to the crap weather and no other birders.

12 April 2015

River Otter and Beavers!

This post is from yesterday Saturday 11/04/15, just got home too late to write up.

I have been a few times now in a attempt to see the Beavers on the River Otter but never been able to pin them down but with a lot of help from Chris T. I came up trumps on this visit.

The day was sunny with a few clouds, hopefully the clouds would clear because this had made it too dark for pics on previous visits. I parked up in the car park at Budliegh Salterton which over looks the Otter Estuary. The tide was out and you could see large numbers of Gulls in the main channel, mainly Herring Gulls with a few Great Black-backed Gulls. Little Egrets and Shelduck also in good numbers.

Along the path there was plenty of small birds, Blue, Great and Long-tailed Tits were in good numbers all along the walk with Dunnock, Robin, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Swallows, Blackbird and Wren all seen.

Collard Dove and loads of Woodpigeon seen on the floor as well as flying around, because there is several Rookeries there was Rooks everywhere. They got very noisy especially when a couple of Buzzards came flying near bye.

In the scrapes in the fields on the left there was several Teal, Canada Geese and about 50 Herring Gulls.

Also saw and heard Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers in the large trees on the opposite side of the river.

In the reed beds by White Bridge a Cettis Warbler was calling, its explosive call echoed down the river. Also on the river was Mute Swan and good numbers of Mallard Duck, one female had 9 chicks with her. A pair of very smart Grey Wagtail and the Electric Blue of the Kingfisher was seen a few times as it flew up the river.

The main event was the Beaver, to mine and Chris's joy the female came out showing her pink tags which the scientists had placed in her ears, the light was good but I nearly blew the opportunity by using my big 500 lens but it was struggling with the light and the pics were not very sharp. Luckily I had my Nikon 300 and it coped very well with the failing light. The Beaver got out of the water several times showing her tail but the best bit was when she took out a branch with her teeth in minutes and stripped it of bark, just a wonderful experience which I wont forget in a hurry! So glad common sense has broken out with these fantastic animals and the threat of culling has now passed, apparently there is 10 animals on the river in various places and I think I will try to catch up with these.

Lots of members of the human race about all well behaved and out enjoying the beautiful countryside, brilliant day!!!

08 April 2015

Shapwick, Somerset

Up to Somerset today! Parked in the "Avalon Marsh" Car Park and after a bit of light refreshment from "Eco Friendly Bites" off I walked. From the car to the entrance to Shapwick I picked up House Sparrow, Greenfinch, Reed Bunting, Robin, Dunnock, Chiffchaff, Chaffinch, Cettis Warbler, Pied Wagtail and a Cormorant flew over! So that was a great start even before I got in the entrance!!

In the bushes there was several Blackcaps singing with Chaffinch, Robin, Blue Tits, Long-tailed Tits, Wren, Blackbird and Cettis Warblers with their explosive burst of song.

It wasn't long until I heard my first "Booming" Bittern of the day, in fact I lost count of the number, that deep "boom" is unmistakable.

In the Noah's Lake there was plenty of birds in the water, Great-crested Grebes, Coot, Moorhen, Little Egret, Mute Swan, Greylag Geese, Canada Geese and Cormorants. Plenty of ducks with Mallard, Tufted, Teal and Pochard, there might have been other species on the lake but its so big I could have missed them on the other side.

Two Raven making a racket overhead as well as Carrion Crows and Woodpigeons.

At Mere Heath Hide it looked quiet but a few birds flew in, one being a male Sparrowhawk being mobbed by a Carrion Crow. Grey Heron, Cormorant, Pochard, Gadwall, Mallard, Coot and Cettis Warbler were the other birds seen. Outside the hide on the walk back to the main drag there was a Treecreeper and a few Goldfinches.

At Mere Lagoon there was a few Swallows flying around with a Marsh Harrier and Buzzard in the reeds behind. 40+ Black-tailed godwits in the lagoon with some in their summer plumage looking very smart. A little egret and the pair of Great White egrets flew in putting on a show and looking very classy too! A few ducks, Gadwall, Mallard, Shoveler, Teal and a very smart looking Drake Garganey.

The Marsh Harriers were putting on a great show over the marshes on the opposite side of the Lagoon, I am sure that area has a name but I don't know it! A bit frustrating as the sun was nearly always behind them while I was there, but later on I moved to another viewing area and it was better, fantastic birds and a real treat to see them!

A walk into Ham Wall saw my first sighting of a Bittern to add to the many "Booms" around the place. The bushes were alive with small birds making a racket, mainly Cettis Warblers and Blackcaps but Robins, Wrens, Dunnocks and Blackbirds were doing there bit as well! Blue, Great and Long-tailed Tits, Goldfinch, Chaffinch and Greenfinch also seen.

Woodpigeon, Magpie and Carrion Crows seen flying around with Canada Geese, Great-crested Grebes, Coot, Shoveler, Teal, Tufted Ducks, Gadwall, Mallard, Little Egret and Cormorants all seen on the water with a pair of Lapwings on the mud try keep the Carrion Crows away. A Kingfisher flew along the dyke by the first platform which is always a great sight!

A few Butterflies about with the main ones Peacock and Small Tortishell but saw a few Brimstone as well and singles of Speckled Wood and a female Orange Tip. Noticed the difference to Devon with the lack of wild flowers as apart from a few Colts Foot very little.

On the way back there was a Roe Deer in the field and by the entrance a Adder! My first of the year.

Plenty members of the human race about and must say they have been the happiest bunch I've met in a long time and very helpful! Cheers guys!!

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