[Simon Thurgood Images] [Simon Thurgood Images]


23 March 2025

Blue-headed Yellow Wagtails

Went to South Huish in South Devon early today to see the Blue-headed Yellow Wagtails that had been there for the last couple of days.

I got there early as I know over the weekend the car park fills up with cars and people so the plan was to get there early then move on before it got busy and for once the plan worked!

As I parked up you could see the birds right in front of you, quite mobile with Pied Wags in the field behind the toilets, unfortunately never coming close for a good shot so all pics are heavily cropped, great to see though.

Also saw Black Redstart with Waders and Ducks close by.

So I cleared off before it got too busy and made my way to East Soar for a walk around and give my knee a work out. Again plenty of noise such as Skylark, Chiffchaff and Cirls singing away but sadly no Butterflies, a few humans about, nice walk.

22 March 2025

The Wheatears have arrived

Went up on a very foggy Dartmoor this morning, even though there wasn't much to see with the mist around Challacombe Farm and the rd there was a couple of very smart Wheatears on the road side.

Looks like the spring is here!

18 March 2025


Had several trips to Dartmoor over this last couple of weeks, not seen that much but heard a lot especially around Soussons, Crossbills and Woodpeckers and Siskins.

Did see several Buzzards and Kestrel and all the usual Corvids.

Didn't see any winter Thrushes so presume they have all left for breeding grounds?

09 March 2025

Powderham Marsh

Again being a little optimistic I went to Powderham Marsh again to try and find some early Butterflies and saw my 2nd of the year but unfortunately it didn't stop for a photo, that was a Peacock and it looked quite fresh as it fluttered about in front of me before going over the hedge!

Plenty of birds about trying to catch the odd insect in the sun, couple of Bumbles as well.

Also come across a dead Mole, no obvious sign of injury, did wonder if it was pretending to being dead but was still there half an hour later on my return journey.

A few Raptors about with not only a couple of Buzzard but hunting Kestrel and Marsh Harrier.

Didn't see one human so had the place to myself.

04 March 2025

Looking for winged insects

Rather optimistically on this sunny day I went for a walk around Powderham Marsh which normally at this time of year there is something about.

Unfortunately very little to see, probably because there is no food source, apart from a lone Dandelion and a couple of Lesser Celandine nothing.

Did see a couple of Flies, single Hover-fly and a single Red Admiral flying across the field.

Still it was nice to get out in some sun!

© Simon Thurgood 2025
Images on this website may not be put as any part of any collection without any prior written permission.