[Simon Thurgood Images] [Simon Thurgood Images]


25 March 2023

Alpine Swifts

As I had said in previous posts on here, that I had seen the Alpine Swifts several times, most without a camera or too far when I did. This evening I managed to get to where they had been roosting in Teignmouth at St Michaels church tower, although the light was fading and my camera kept focusing on the church tower rather than the fast moving swifts I did manage some sort of picture.

Regardless of that it was great to watch these spectacular birds, as they seem to like this church perhaps they will pop by on a yearly basis, good to see all the humans, obviously all in a good mood!

The Swifts themselves are a large powerfull bird. Long winged and a broader bodied than a Common Swift. The Alpine Swift is a Vagrant from Southern Europe where they breed in the mountains. There has been a influx to the UK probably down to the strong winds?

25 March 2023

Powderham and Exminster Marshes

Spent time at both Powderham and Exminster Marshes today, I was surprised not to see it more flooded and there was easy access along the paths.

First stop Powderham, bit of a cold chill but out of the wind quite warm, allowing Bumble Bees, Hoverflies and other flies space to find food on Dandelions and other flowers, didn't see any Butterflies here but did see a Small Tortoiseshell being blown about a bit on the back path at Exminster.

A lot of work has gone in at both sites with protective fencing to stop predators raiding Lapwing nests, but not sure how you are going to stop Carrion Crows or other Corvids without shooting them?

Good to see the Cirl Buntings doing well at Powderham, counted 14 close to the feeding station which is a good sign. Saw several Chiffchaffs but NO Cettis Warblers heard on this visit which was a big surprise, normally a cert!

At Powderham 20+ Martins over the lagoons, both House and Sand Martins seen.

Very low on Duck numbers but still saw Tufted, Mallard, Teal, Shoveler and Shelduck, usual Canada Geese and Mute Swans.

The bushes full of Chiffchaff, Cirl Bunting, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Great and Blue Tits, Robin, Blackbird, Dunnock and Wren.

Other water birds included Little Egret, Cormorant, Grey Heron, Coot and Moorhen. As I only walked the back path at Exminster and the tide was out the only Wader seen was Lapwing, plenty of Magpie on the prowl causing the Lapwing to alarm, the only raptor seen was a Buzzard that floated over and away not causing any upset.

Fly over flock of about 100+ Starling, Woodpigeons and Skylarks in full song, also in the fields of Powderham, lots of Pheasants which I don't think is a good thing.

Didn't see any other humans on Powderham and a birding group on Exminster so a quite trip on that front!

24 March 2023

This Week

It's been a good and frustrating week, there have been lots of great sightings of the Alpine Swifts and I have been at work for most of them. Working in Newton Abbot I managed to get to see the birds at Shaldon after 4pm on my way home but didn't have my camera with me, I also saw them close to Dawlish Park but very high but still good to see. Iam surprised they have stayed around for so long, so still might bet a picture over the weekend if my luck holds out!

I managed a few hours on Dartmoor and great to see one of my favourite Birds the Wheatear, in fact I saw several of them, all quite mobile chasing each other around probably over territory and finding a mate!

Several Rookeries are starting to get into full swing, the ones at Powderham church and Exminster Garage is two in particular.

Another interesting site is the field close to the back gate at Powderham, there is Sheep feeding on some Brassica of some sort and the numbers of Egrets, both Little and Cattle are building up, today at high tide there was actually more Egrets than Sheep in the field. Great views and if you are careful some great pictures to be had!

Met quite a few humans about this week and all seems good in the world!

19 March 2023

South Devon

Went to South Devon today and spent a lovely day looking around, visited East Soar, Beesands and Slapton Leys and the joining countryside.

Early start to East Soar to do the circuar walk from the carpark, while the sun was up there was still a chill in the air. But the best thing was the Skylarks, they seemed to be everywhere, in the air singing and on the ground.

Further round on the otherside of the farm there was the continual Buzz of Bumble Bees on the Catkins, there was no wind here and in the sun. These bushes seem to be the only necturing plant around and not only bees but Hoverflies where also taking advantage.

Further around the walk was lucky enough to not only see Cirl Buntings but Yellowhammer as well, always like to see these birds sadly not as common as they should be!

There is also a pond here, beautiful clear water but nothing seen except some Goldfish?? Why do people dump there Goldfish in the wild, just thick!!

Up on the coastal path there was a couple of mobile Wheatear which was my first of the year but sadly to fast for me to get a picture.

Further on displaying Ravens who also gave a hunting Kestrel a hard time.

Off to Beesands, on route a few Buzzards floating around, plenty of Corvids such as Rook, Jackdaw and Carrion Crow on the fields rooting around the pasture.

Got to Beesands and to the Hide, a bit frustrated here as its a brilliant hide but you have difficulty viewing the birds, a good variety of Ducks here with the Ring-billed, Tufted, Pochard, Gadwall, Mallard and Teal. Also Great-creasted and Little Grebe, Coot, Moorhen, Mute Swan and some noisy Canada Geese. Cettis Warblers were calling from several places and I viewed a smart looking Chiffchaff.

On the fields behind several Rabits which was nice to see, another thing that seems to be disapearing.

Off to Slapton Ley, difficulty parking here as plenty of humans about, it being mothering Sunday plenty of family groups. The only things different here where Little Egret, Shoveler and Reed Buntings.

Those birds seen several places, Grey Heron, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Stonechat, Wren, Magpie, Woodpigeon, Great, Blue and Longtailed Tits, Pheasant, Pied Wagtail and Cormorant.

Lots of humans about enjoying the weekend sun and all seem to be behaving themselves!

17 March 2023

Langstone Rock

Managed to spend a couple of hours on one of my favourite beaches, the top end of Dawlish Beach next to Langstone Rock.

It catches lots of stuff moving up the beach due to long shore drift as well as its been rough lately so was looking forward to this.

Unfortunatly lots of plastic washed up as well as fishing line, I should have taken more bags to take it away! Some of this stuff looked like it had been in the sea for some time and traveled a distance!

Quite often here, its a good spot for Sea Mouse which is actually a Scale Worm, they get washed out by strong waves and end up on the beach, sometimes dead like the one I found but often alive and can be put back in the sea.

I had gone to find Shark egg casing but to my suprise none found but lots of Whelk egg casings littered all over the beach.

All the usual shells but no crabs found or Pelican Foot which was a suprise.

Still a good session.

14 March 2023

Bowling Green Marsh

Day off and it wasnt raining, cold and grey but not raining! High tide at 10.30am so ideal time to get to Topsham and see what was in front of the hide.

Everything seemed to be in sleep mode and very little on the water, good selection of Ducks with Wigeon, Teal, Mallard, Shoveler, Pintail, Tuffted, Pochard and Shelduck. Canada and Greylag Geese, Grey Heron, Little Egret, Cormorant, Moorhen, Coot, Redshank, Greenshank, Curlew, Godwits, Dunlin, Snipe, Woodpigeon, Cettis Warbler, Great, Long-tailed and Blue Tits, Wren, Robin, Dunnock, Blackbird, Magpie, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Great-spotted and Green Woodpeckers.

The best was a Spoonbill that was asleep for most of the time but occasionaly woke up for a strech and scratch.

A few humans about and mostly well behaved although some in the hide wouldnt stop talking, I dont want to know all their gossip, talk about the wildlife but leave the rest for another time as I dont want to know!

10 March 2023


Spent this morning on Dartmoor, it was cold, grey and damp but plenty to see.

Spent some time at "Cator" as I had possibly seen some Brambling here on my previous visit to Dartmoor. I was beging to think it was a waisted trip when up in some big beach trees there was a very mobile flock of 30+ Brambling moving between the trees and the ground, to my amazement I managed to get a few pictures, no prize winners but they will do for me today!

Lots of other birds around, a few flocks the most lotable was 20+ of Stock Dove close to Postbridge and 50+ Fieldfare close to Soussons.

Chaffinch every where with Bullfinch, Goldfinch, Blackbird, House Sparrow, Starling, Dunnock, Robin, Great, Coal and Blue Tit. A couple of Crossbill seen on the edge of Soussons, Collard Dove, Woodpigeon, Jackdaw, Raven, Carrion Crow, Magpie, Jay, Great-spotted Woodpecker, Stonechat and the odd Herring Gull on the pasture.

The only Raptor was a lone Buzzard sat on a pole.

A few Squirrels seen and a very noticable increase in Mole Hills!

Very few humans out today?

03 March 2023

Out and about

After a nice Bacon Baguette and a mug of tea I headed for Labrador Bay, quite a chilled wind off the sea bit a brisk walk up to the top field soon warmed me up!

Bird songevery where especially Cirl Buntings which I could hear coming from everywhere, there was a group of about 30 around the feeding station with Chaffinch, Robin and Dunnock. They all scattered when a Male Sparrowhawk made a speculative dive over the hedge but missed all.

Plenty of Corvids on the Turnip Field as well as the odd Gull and a fly over Buzzard.

Apart from the Sheep in this field it was great to see a couple of Roe Deer, not seen any in a while, just Fallow, sadly they soon scarpered when they saw me!

Then back in the car to Stover, they are doing a lot of work here, restoring the lake and clearing the Conifers to replace with native trees so should be good when the job is complete.

Still lots to see here with all the ususal woodland species, Jay, Great-spotted Woodecker, Woodigeon, Great, Blue, Coal and Long-tailed Tits, Nuthatch, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Dunnock and Robin all seen.

On the water a couple of Mergansers, Mallard, Tuffted Ducks, usual Gulls, Mute Swans, Coot, Moorhen and of course the Mandarin Ducks.

Unfortunatly some of the humans here where less desirable, Photographers, just rude and just horrible!!!

On the way back home spent some time around the back lanes of Kenton, Starcross and Dawlish, plenty of fields recently cultivated so, Gulls, Corvids, Buzzards and both Cattle and Little Egrets seen.

Realy good day out with the exception of some idiots at Stover

© Simon Thurgood 2025
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