25 February 2025
Long-billed Dowitcher
Finally got some time were I wasn't working, the sun was out and the tide was out to go and see the long staying Dowitcher at Turf.
This vagrant from North America seems to favour this freshwater creek that washes into the River Exe by the Turf Pub.
Plenty of humans to watch around it, but also as you can see from the pics it was stood in front of the
sun at times and at a distance, great to get out for some fresh air.
While it was great to be out I continue to struggle with my right knee, some pain killers needed and some good support in the way of walking boots helps.
18 February 2025
Powderham to Turf and back
Sadly my timing wasn't the best as the tide was in so the mud area close to Turf was covered in water.
The large numbers of Brent and Canada Geese were in their normal places but I and others couldn't find the White fronted, it turned out to be in a field further up.
So while missing out on these two I still saw lots of other stuff.
When I arrived at Powderham Church I expected to be surrounded by Rooks as it must becoming up to breeding season but didn't see one all day, only Corvids seen where Carrion Crows and plenty of Magpies. Plenty of Blackbirds, Robins, Dunnock, Stonechat, Rock Pipit, Wren, Blue and Great Tit, Wood pigeon and a hunting Kestrel.
A few Ducks about with Pintail, Teal, Mallard and Widgeon, Shelduck, Little Egret, Grey Heron and Cormorant.
Waders were plenty with Curlew, Godwit, Grey Plover, Turnstone and Redshank.
A few humans about and good to see some familiar faces but also some arrogant rude ones!
12 February 2025
Like a lot of people I have been struggling with coughs,colds and sore throats so hardly been out trying to keep healthy.
I did do a couple of drives around Dartmoor but very little to see.
The best I saw was a single Crossbill on the side of the road by Soussons, unfortunately the sun was almost right behind so just got a silhouette.
Not many humans about which was not surprising!
© Simon Thurgood 2025
Images on this website may not be put as any part of any collection without any prior written permission.