26 November 2024
Went up on Dartmoor today after a couple of days of full on rain, loads to see but some were more notable by their absence such as Corvids, no Rooks, Jackdaws or Ravens seen or heard? Just a few Carrion Crows, Magpies and a single Jay, was it because of the soaked ground?
Loads of Blackbirds, everywhere over the moor where I went, also small flocks of Redwing, Fieldfare, Starling and Chaffinch. A few Wood Pigeon, Grey and Pied Wagtails, singles of Song and Mistle Thrush, Meadow Pipit, Blue and Great Tits and a single Bullfinch.
Several Buzzard, stunning male Kestrel and Sparrowhawk also seen.
Had the moor almost to myself as very few humans about.
14 November 2024

Did see a few flocks of Redwing and Fieldfare although always on the move, also lucky to see a Ring Ouzel in a Rowen tree with Blackbirds that seem to be everywhere.
Plenty of Corvids everywhere, all seen as well as Magpies and Jays.
Song and Mistle Thrushes, Meadow Pipits, Robin, Dunnock, Wren, Greta and Blue Tits, Pied and Grey Wagtails, House Sparrows, Stonechats all seen.
Plenty of flocks of Birds with Wood Pigeons, Stock Doves, Starling, Linnet and Chaffinch all in large flocks around the fields.
Plenty of Buzzards seen as well as Kestrels, single Sparrowhawk and possible sighting of the visiting Pallid Harrier, defiantly a Harrier and the colour etc. leads me to think it's the Pallid.
I hear of reports of Merlin on the Moors, there will be some more visits looking for this bird as its one of my favourites.
02 November 2024
I went up on Dartmoor today to see if I could find any Winter Thrushes or anything else interesting.
Dartmoor was covered in mist in most areas but still plenty to see, one thing that was striking was the lack of Rowen Berries? I had done the same journey about a week ago and plenty of berries but none today. Perhaps the rain had caused them to drop so not much food about.
Plenty of Blackbirds and a single Song Thrush, but no Mistle Thrush, Redwings or Fieldfare anywhere. I noted some birds starting to form flocks, Chaffinch in good numbers, Starling in several flocks with one big one, Linnet and Wood Pigeon, a few Stock Doves, House Sparrows, Robin, Meadow Pipit, Stonechat, Pied and Grey Wagtails, Dunnock and Great Tit.
Plenty of Corvids with Rook, Carrion Crow and Jackdaw looking for food on the ground with noisy Raven flying around with several Magpie perched up and a single Jay.
Several Raptors seen on this trip, 5 x Buzzard, 3 x Kestrel and a single Sparrowhawk.
Looking forward to the next trip!
© Simon Thurgood 2025
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