24 October 2023
River Exe

Great to see the Avocets back at Bowling Green as well as a couple of Spoonbills, another surprise was to see a Great White Egret just up from the Kenn Outflow with some Little Egrets and a Cormorant chasing fish on the incoming tide.
Plenty of Ducks with Mallard, Shoveler, Teal, Widgeon, Pintail and Shelduck. Waders included Oystercatcher, Curlew, Avocet, Godwits, Redshank, Greenshank and Dunlin. Other long legged birds include Grey Heron.
Mute Swan, Canada Geese, Black-headed, Herring, Lesser and Greater-black Backed Gulls, Little Grebe, Moorhen and Coot are the rest of the water based Birds.
Around the fields and hedges Great, Blue and Long-tailed Tits, Blackbird, Robin, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Dunnock, Stonechat, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Raven, Rook, Jackdaw, Woodpigeon and Stockdove.
Met lots of great humans but sadly one arrogant twat with a scope!
21 October 2023
This last week have managed to spend the odd hour or two on Dartmoor, as normal for me it's been raining on my free time so very few pictures have been taken.
But this week with the change in the weather has brought more birds to the area, it's been quite enjoyable sat in my car with a flask of Tea and my Bins picking up stuff, I've seen some quite large flocks of Chaffinch, mostly around the base of beach Trees feeding on the nuts, also some small flocks of Starling, Goldfinch and Linnet.
Corvids have increased especially Rook, Ravens displaying in the wind has been fun to watch, several Jays, Magpies, Carrion Crow and Jackdaws around the Moor.
Dunnock, Robin, Wren, Great and Long-tailed Tits, Grey and Pied Wagtails, several Bullfinch, Stonechat, Meadow Pipit, Skylark, Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Wood Pigeon, Collard and Stock Doves all seen.
A couple of Ring Ouzels seen in the mist at Emsworthy this morning, also a couple of Fieldfare and Redwing seen at various places on the moor, good numbers of Blackbirds and singles of Song and Mistle Thrushes.
Noticeable numbers of Raptors with several Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Buzzards and a single Goshawk.
Even though the weather was crap I've had a good week.
12 October 2023
Visited Dartmoor a few times this last week or two looking for any Winter Migrants but none seen, looked at Emsworthy for Ringed Ouzel which had been reported but none seen by myself.
Also a visit to Yarner, the feeders are out for the winter but just a few of the regulars, Trees full of leaves still, so you can hear them but not many seen.
Around Dartmoor itself was empty of birds, normally plenty of Corvids but very few, the odd flock of Chaffinch and Goldfinch, the odd Buzzard but that was it, all the Summer Migrants are gone and the Winter ones have not arrived.
The forecast looks cold so hopefully we will see the Redwing and other Winter Thrushes.
06 October 2023
Early start with first stop Greylake, plenty to hear in the reed beds with Water Rail and Cettis Warblers calling all over the place. Also large numbers of insects in the morning sun with Migrant Hawkers sat on the reeds with plenty of Darters buzzing around, Social Wasps, Hornets and Hoverfly's in good numbers with Flies everywhere. On arrival at the hide was a big disappointment with no views as the reeds have been allowed to grow, talking to a local, he said he thought that was the plan of "Natural England" to allow the place to go back to a huge reedbed, depressing!
Well on to Cattcot Lows but again disappointment as they were working on the access road no access to the hide, so not going well at the moment!
So stopped off at the Avalon Centre for a Bacon Bap and very nice too I went to Ham Wall and had a good walk around, saw plenty of distant Marsh Harriers, Great and Little Egrets but not much else, normally a good place to see Ducks but very few, some excuses made by others, but to me, the area of open water has decreased a lot and the reedbeds allowed to grow, saw a few Gadwall, Mallard, Widgeon, Teal and Shoveler, disappointing!
Did see plenty of Butterflies and other insects as well as Grass Snakes and Lizards in the stone cages by one of the bridges enjoying the sun.
Did have a good day even though I didn't see many birds, plenty of humans about all in good humour and it wasn't raining!
© Simon Thurgood 2025
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