[Simon Thurgood Images] [Simon Thurgood Images]


30 January 2016

Norfolk day3

Just went out this morning to try and catch up with the Shorelark at Burnham Overy Straithe but unfortunately it was a no show. I did have a great birding session but another crap photography session! Saw some great birds with a Barn Owl quartering the reeds,2 Marsh Harriers, Kestrel,Buzzard, Grey Plover, Curlew, Dunlin, Sanderling, Ringed Plover, Redshanks, Turnstones, 1000+Knot put up by the Harriers, Oystercatcher, several Red Legged Partridge, Red-breasted Mergansers,Greylag, Brent, Pink-footed Geese, Mute Swan, Wigeon, Little Egret, Shelduck, Coot and several Skylark.

Had a great couple of days but sadly few pictures taken, met lots of lovely people though and some very helpful birders!

29 January 2016

Norfolk day 2

The wind was still high from Storm Gertrude so started late and went to Burnham Straithe Overy to have a 2nd attempt at seeing the Shorelark, even though the wind had calmed down a bit, it was still difficult to stand up let alone try and take a picture. When I found the 3 Shorelarks was great but frustrating I couldn't get a picture because I couldn't hold the camera still!

It was a great day for birdwatching and a crap day for taking pictures, saw lots of great birds Pink footed, Greylag and Brent Goose, Mute Swan, Sanderling, Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Lapwings, Oystercatcher, Redshanks, Grey Plover, Little Egret, Curlew, Shelduck, Wigeon, Mallards and plenty of Black-headed gull's.

Went to the Cholsey Drying Barns to see the long staying Rough Legged Buzzard which I did see but sadly too far for a picture.

Frustrating day but will try again tomorrow.

28 January 2016


I've come up to Norfolk for 3 days and the weather is looking good!

Today I went to Burnham Overy Straithe to start the day looking for the reported 3 Shorelark which had been regularly seen on the shoreline by Gunhill. Unfortunately after walking all the way out to the end there was a Sparrowhawk hunting over the dunes and not a small bird in sight. While they are a beautiful bird to watch I rather it waited until I was gone! I did see lots of other birds around the mud flats and surrounding fields with Black-headed, Herring and Great-black Backed Gulls, Curlew, Grey Plover, Redshanks, Shelduck, Little Egret, Lapwings, Wigeon, Oystercatcher, Brent and Greylag Geese,Coot,Red-breasted Mergansers, Dunlin, Sanderling, Turnstones, Wren,Blackbird, Dunnock, Pied Wagtails, Skylark, Magpie, Cormorants, Linnet, Little Grebe and a Kestrel.

I then went off to look for some Grey Partridge which are in the fields around the Holkham Estate, I saw 3! Sadly a bit far for a picture but still good to see, also saw some Red Kites over the fields!

Then off to Thornham Harbour to see some 20+ Twite which had been seen, typically they had moved but was able to find further up the path, great to see a large flock, normally I only see a few at a time.

Then next door Titchwell, the feeders were packed with birds with Coot,Woodpigeon and Pheasants picking up the droppings. Great,Blue and Coal Tits, Robin, Chaffinch, Brambling, Redpoll and Goldfinches on the feeders. Lots of quality birds to see with Water Rail, Little Grebe, Redshanks, Lapwings, Avocets, Oystercatcher, Greylag Geese, Black-tailed and Bar-tailed Godwits, Shelduck, Wigeon, Teal,Mallards, Shoveler, Pintails, Common and Velvet Scooters seen off the beach by others but I couldn't see them with my bins!

Saw lots of birders today and all very pleasant and helpful, really good day!

16 January 2016

Exminster and Matford Marshes

Went to Exminster to see if the water level had dropped enough for me to walk around and it had! Some bits were a bit difficult and had to have my wellies on especially by the gate that goes into the field but made it.

Not so many birds around either, large numbers of Canada Geese and a single Greylag Goose and several hundred Wigeon in this part of the reserve, also saw Robin, Blackbird, Goldfinch, Carrion Crow, Rook, Lapwing, Song Thrush, Coot, Moorhen, Mallard, Tel, Goldcrest, Dunnock, Wren, Curlew, Black-headed Godwit, Snipe, Grey Heron, Stonechat, Woodpigeon and Cettis Warbler.

A Peregrine was sat on Pylon and did a few swoops at the Wigeon and missed every time, looked like it was trying to make them fly but failed in this, they just "ducked" and dived in the water.

At Turf the tide was in the water was dead calm, plenty of birds sat on the water gently floating down stream, 200+ Avocets floated down and flew back again upstream, Brent Geese, Red-breasted Merganser, Shelduck, Black-headed Gull and Herring Gulls with 100+ Brent Goose flew over going south.

Walking back to the car saw Blackbird, Blue and Great Tits, Song Thrush, Reed Bunting, Cormorant, Wren, Magpie, Dunnock Tufted, Teal, Wigeon, Mallard Curlew, Redshank, Mute Swan, Carrion Crow, Rook, Mute Swan and more Canada Geese.

Then off to Matford to find the Cackling Goose which was showing well with the Mallards.

Again a nice selection of birds here with Wigeon, Tufted, Mallard, Mute Swan, Buzzard, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Robin, Blue, Great and Long-tailed Tits, Goldcrest and Moorhen.

A few humans about enjoying the rain free day!!

10 January 2016


Went over to Topsham today to see the Brambling amongst others around Dart Farm before going down towards Bowling Green.

Plenty of birds about Darts Farm but I couldn't find the Brambling, they were probably in the stubble. Did see though Black-headed Gulls, Pheasant, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Rook, Blackbird, Robin, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Coot, Linnet, Woodpigeon, Canada Goose, Wren, Mallard, Wigeon, Teal, Blue and Great Tit, Reed Bunting, House Sparrow, Greenfinch, Fieldfare and Stonechat.

Then on down the cycle track, didn't seem as many birds here as normal but did see a scrawny looking Buzzard on a roof top, Jackdaw, Woodpigeon, Robin, Magpie, Greenfinch, Great and Blue Tit, Carrion Crow and Dunnock. On the creek there was very little with jut a Redshank and a couple of red-breasted Mergansers, In Goosemoor again very little as the tide was out with just 1 Teal and 2 Redshank and nothing more than a Woodpigeon in the bushes next to the path.

Along the road past the Reserve plenty of birds especially behind the hide on the feeders with Blue and Great Tits, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Robin, Dunnock and a Collard Dove on the wires.

In the Reserve as normal plenty of ducks with Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler, Pintail, Mallard, Gadwall, Tufted and a lone male Pochard. Greylag, Canada and Brent Geese. lapwings, Curlews, Black-tailed Godwits were the Waders with Moorhen, Coot, Blackbird, Stonechat, Blue Tit and Magpie with a Peregrine flying over and causing some mayhem.

Along to the Platform that over looks the River Clyst and to start off it didn't look a lot was there but to the right there was a few waders with Red, Green and Spotted Redshank. Further out you could see Avocet, Curlew, Shelduck, Red-breasted Merganser and some fly over Dark-belied Brent Geese.

Around to the Goatwalk and plenty of Avocet, Redshank, Curlew, Redshank and Dunlin. Also Carrion Crow, Black-headed Gulls and Pied Wagtail on view.

Off into Topsham for Bacon Sarnie and a Mug of Tea!!

Back to the car and off to Matford Marshes to look for the Crackling Goose which I've not caught with yet. its also the first time Ive had a good look at this little reserve and very enjoyable it was too! Again didn't see the Goose but a nice range of birds here with again not big numbers but Wigeon, Teal, Mallard, Shoveler, Tufted and Gadwall were the ducks with Mute Swan, Little Grebe, Cormorant, Coot, Moorhen, Herring Gull also around the water with Goldcrest, Blackbird, Robin, Magpie, Dunnock, Bullfinch, Blue and Great Tits with a Buzzard loafing about.

Saw lots of humans today and all looked happy to be out and not in the rain, a really good day out!

© Simon Thurgood 2025
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